Choose and Cut Christmas Tree Growers
- Cornucopia Tree Nurseries
Rocanville, (306) 435-9470.
- Country Mouse Farm
Medicine Hat, AB 403.529.5684
- Gilmour Tree Farm
Regina, SK
- Fir Ever Green Tree Farm
Falun, AB 780-352-4368
- Raven Ridge Trees
Rocky Mountain House, AB 403-722-3207
- Switzer's Home-grown Family Farm
Yorkton, Sk 306-783-8939
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Wholesale Christmas Tree Growers
- McKay Tree Farm
North Battleford, SK 306-445-7339
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Member Retail Tree Lots
- Saskatoon:
- Lawson Heights Mall
- Market Mall
- North Battleford:
- North Batteford Co-op
- Regina,
- Victoria Square Mall
The most common Christmas trees grown on the prairie are Balsam Fir, Scots Pine and White (black hills) Spruce.
Click here for more information: Tree Types - PDF
A well cared-for Christmas tree can stay fresh and healthy for several weeks.
- If storing the tree before set up, keep it in a protected, shady, cool area.
- Loosen and bang out old brown needles.
- When setting up the tree, cut the trunk at least 1/2 inch above the original cut.
- Use a sturdy stand with a large water reservoir. When the tree is secure in the stand (before adding water) test the balance by tipping the tree and stand each way. If it tips easily one way, readjust the tree in the stand. Balance is more important than straightness.
- Start with warm water. Do not add anything to the water. At first, the tree should drink one to four litres a day, so check it daily. NEVER let the tree run out of water or the butt end will seal over and the tree will go dry.
- Keep the tree away from heat sources.